One of our favorite services is logo design. I love discussing a new business or endeavor with my clients. Producing a logo that will become their brand is very exciting, and I enjoy being a part of their business’ growth. Here are a few of our latest and greatest…
Digrafika enjoyed the opportunity to work with Tom Burdick and Roger Parker on the design and launch of the new site Buying a Business in Atlanta. Design, layout, functionality, and content were brainstormed with Roger Parker.
One requirement was a portal for each of their three primary business areas:
Buying a business in Atlanta
Selling a business in Atlanta
Marketing to enhance the value
Additional required features:
Branded Header – Custom designed header would also be used on newsletter, reports, and worksheets
Portal Pages – Provide an easy place for the user to find exactly what they need right from the homepage
Blog – Tom wanted to be able to share his expertise through writing articles
Resources/Links/Opt In – Users can download worksheets, and eventually opt in for emailed weekly tips
Thank you Tom Burdick and Roger Parker for the opportunity.
Digrafika enjoyed the opportunity to work with New Hampshire Water Works Association in Concord, NH on the design and launch of their new website. Design, layout, functionality, and content were brainstormed with Joanne Randall of Leap Year Marketing.
It is a completely new look, design and feel – a big update from their previous website. It was a big step for NHWWA to make the investment in a new site, and they are eager to learn all its new features and functions. Their members and associates will find the site easily navigable and will now have access to much more information.
NHWWA’s goal is to bring content to their members in a professional and efficient manner. Navigation controls are on the top and expand when hovered over to bring additional detailed information. The ability to register for events, and apply for membership are streamlined by new forms and online payment options.
Additional new features:
Newsletter/Announcement subscription – members can sign up for newsletters and have them delivered to their inbox via add-on marketing software.
Membership Registration – application and payment can be done directly through the website, eliminating the need to send paperwork via mail.
Events Registration – members and associations can view, register and pay for events right on the website.
Members Only area – members can create an account on the site that allows them access to newsletters, journals, resources and links.
Thank you Leap Year Marketing and NHWWA for the opportunity.
When it comes to marketing your business or organization, you’ll want to maintain a streamlined image. A common theme should flow from your stationery, to your direct mail, to your website and beyond. Create a recognizable image for yourself, an image that customers will always know is yours.
We create eye-catching, professional designs that will proudly display the focus of your business. Digrafika will take your basic ideas to a higher level by creating and delivering professional designs, while allowing you full control over the design process from proof to printing.
Digrafika wants to help your business to shine in 2013. Close communication between customer and designer make it easy to get exactly what you want in a design. What if you don’t know what you want? Digrafika will take your basic ideas to a higher level by creating and delivering professional designs, while allowing you full control over the design process from proof to printing.
When you hand a prospective client your business card, brochure, or other marketing piece, is it really a reflection of the service you’ll be offering them? Does your printed piece reflect the same quality of work that you’ll be offering your new client? Professionally printed products show that you are serious about your business. While photocopying and printing on the office laser printer may save money, it sacrifices quality. We partner with several professional printing companies who offer a variety of packages to meet your needs.
Contact us today to discuss your graphic design needs at 603-534-2040 and ask for Diane.
It was our pleasure to work with Laura Ring and Caitlin Marble at the Greater Rochester Chamber of Commerce on the 2012/2013 Business Guide. And thank you to Shane Caplette at C & K Printing for superior pre-press support.
Digrafika provided a fresh look for the cover and divider pages that are easy to read and highlight some of past year’s Chamber events. Inner directory listings are printed in a clean, contemporary font accompanied by strategic ad and artwork placement on many of the pages.
The Chamber’s Business Referral Directory is produced annually and supports the products and services from businesses listed within. The Directory also provides community information including local, state and federal business resources and information on the numerous benefits and services available through Chamber membership.
We appreciate the opportunity to provide design and layout for this year’s directory, and to participate in Operation Thank You and distribute the freshly printed directories to Chamber members.
I was recently approached by Laconia Savings Bank to design a logo for the CA$H Coalition. Digrafika provided the logo design as a donation. I appreciate the opportunity to work with local organizations like this.
The CA$H Coalition of Southeastern NH exists to provide opportunities for low and moderate income individuals and families to strengthen their financial well-being. CA$H participating organizations include: United Way of the Greater Seacoast, Laconia Savings Bank, Northeast Credit Union, Waddell & Reed, Rockingham Community Action, NH Catholic Charities, More Than Wheels, Strafford Network, Great Bay Community College, The Workforce Housing Coalition of the Greater Seacoast, Internal Revenue Service and more.
We have completed our community service at Project PRIDE, 33 Hanson St, Rochester, NH.
Many colleagues deserve a heartfelt thanks for helping re-energize the storefront and enhancing Project PRIDE’s presence, and for creating an attractive destination for the youth participating there.
Digrafika LLC thanks the following people for their generous donations, time and support:
The Students at Project PRIDE Michael Behrendt, Chief of Planning at City of Rochester Jon Kenyon, Kenyon & Sons Construction LLC
and Keller Williams Coastal Realty Gene Paltrineri, Gene Paltrineri Photography David Robbins, Director of Richard Creteau Technology Center Martha Whitehouse, Richard Creteau Technology Center Bob Loch, Infinite Imaging Denise Rybinski, Coed Sportswear Gretchen Smith, High Flying Flag Company Inc. Kathy Condon, Project PRIDE Alice Standish, Project PRIDE Laura Ring, The Greater Rochester Chamber of Commerce
Diane DeVries of Digrafika LLC will re-energize a storefront, enhancing a local organization’s presence.
This is a rendering of the proposed look for Project PRIDE's storefront at 33 Hanson St., Rochester, NH.
Diane DeVries, graphic designer and owner of Digrafika LLC in Dover, NH will work through the month of April to transform the storefront façade of Project PRIDE in Rochester.
Mrs. DeVries will work with a local carpenter, print shop, photographer, screenprinter, flag maker, and school horticultural department to complete the project by May 2010. Through a few simple design projects, she will help create an attractive destination for the youth participating in programs at Project PRIDE at 33 Hanson St., Rochester, NH 03867. These projects include window art, flower boxes and a custom flag.
In addition, new t-shirts will be made for the students at Project PRIDE to wear when they are working in the community, helping further brand Project PRIDE.
The Project PRIDE program is a comprehensive out-of-school youth program serving economically disadvantaged, adjudicated, homeless, runaway, disabled, pregnant or parenting, and otherwise qualified youth as defined by the Workforce Investment Act (WIA), between the ages of 18 and 21 (and those 16 and 17 who have achieved a high school diploma or GED) who wish to become economically self-sufficient, independent and productive community members.
More information about Project PRIDE can be found at their website or by calling (603) 335-1177.
Digrafika LLC, formed in 2004, is a graphic design company located in Dover, NH. Digrafika specializes in custom graphic design for printed marketing materials, including brochures, postcards, and flyers, as well as logo design, business stationery and promotional items. Owner Diane DeVries participates in several networking groups, is a member of the Greater Rochester Chamber of Commerce, and donates time and services to individual service projects throughout the year.
For more information about Digrafika please visit our website.